Application Security Testing

Continuous Application Security Testing

Rollout security technology in minutes, focus on actual provable risks, get developer buy-in and implement a process that works and drives measurable improvement in your security posture.
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BoostSecurity for Continuous Application Security Testing


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Comprehensive Scanning

Without touching your pipelines and without code leaving your environment, BoostSecurity will scan for;
    • OWASP Top 10
    • Known CVEs in OSS libraries
    • Licensing risks
    • Malware
    • Hardcoded secrets
    • IaC misconfigurations
    • Container risks

BoostSecurity's Zero Touch Provisioning allows you to turn on scanning without modifying any pipeline. In fact, you can enable scanning in the background. This pipeline-less scanning happens inside your CI environment. Your source code never has to be shipped to the cloud.  

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Flexible Implementation

Maintain team-level scanner specifications, filter out noisy conditions and irrelevant issues, and customize workflows for a perfect-fit process. With BoostSecurity you can: 

  • Select the scanners you want to run from our comprehensive list or integrate your own
  • Configure how, when, and where you want scanners to run
  • Integrate with commercial scanners such as Snyk, Checkmarx, Blackduck, Sonar, and others
  • Customize workflows to control how and when security findings are addressed
  • Define organizational "secure coding standards" that are easily monitored and enforced

Efficient Workflows 

Arm your developers with automation that works and risks that matter. BoostSecurity provides the information and context needed so developers can solve for security issues autonomously while using existing tooling.  

With BoostSecurity you can define workflows and policies that: 

  • Provide full contextual findings
  • Filter out non-critical risks

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See how BoostSecurity for Continuous Application Security Testing works